Last week, I was spending time with God, and He gave me a vision of a big male lion, and there was a herd of other smaller ones behind him. As I saw this vision, I asked, “Lord what are you saying.” He then gave me the scriptures, John 10:11-18 to read. It started with, “I Am the Good Shepherd, the good shepherd giveth His life for the sheep.”
When I finished reading, He said, “Now tell me who you are?” A little background, in 2015/2016 God told me who I was and what He created me to do. Then, he comes every year and confirms or reminds me of Who I Am. He does this because I’m a creator or visionary, so I love to create and do many many things, so sometimes I’ll take on projects that God has NOT called me to. So, I realized, He shows up with this question to put me back on track.
I responded to God, I said, “I am Keyotta, and I am called to preach the gospel to the nations. Then He said, “Okay, so no more ___,____,___. He said, “A bird was created to FLY, so it flies. You were created to preach, so preach.”
I didn’t realize that every time God reminded me of who I was, He was calling me to a higher standard. This caused me to deeply examine my life, my character, and my walk with Him. For me to be a good shepherd to God’s sheep, I must be a good sheep.
So, WHO ARE YOU? Why has the manufacturer, God, created you? Since I know what I was created to do, I know what to say YES and NO to. I know where I can go and cannot go. I know whom I’m called to and not!
If you don’t know who you are, go to your manufacturer, the I AM, He is ready to tell you and guide you. Once He tells you, you need to understand your destiny and accept it, the quicker you die to yourself and accept His will, the faster He could use you. Also, you can purchase my book, Wealth Funded by Faith, which gives you guidance on understanding this. Lastly, our next mentorship program start date is May 3, 2023.
Weekly Scripture
" I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep." John 10:11