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Royal Kingdom Women Academy presents its summer challenge, Girl Get Up, to help stagnant women become more discipline, so they can pursue the call on their life.

The challenge is from July 1 to July 31. It is quoted that it takes 21 days to build a habit, so we are challenging women to go 31 days to build new habits. We will focus on spending time with God, exercising, eating healthy, planning, and crushing our goals. Don't be intimidated if you can't do it all! If you have to focus on 1 thing this entire challenge, then focus on 1 thing!

Our main goal is to help women build new habits, so they could thrive in life! The Bible says two or better than one, so join our community for accountability.

There's a onetime fee of $25.00 and it includes a download of the Purpose Planner and the Wake, Pray, and Write Journal. We will also meet every Sunday at 7pm CST for Purpose Planning on Zoom. There will be weekly check-ins via email every Wednesday.

The Facebook community is FREE, but to join the challenge and receive the resources and Sunday zoom calls you need to register!

Sign Up Now!!
